1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds...”

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Bob's Story Bob grew up in Bellingen, NSW, and as a child he vaguely remembers a literature evangelist selling his mum and dad a book. He remembers the title of the book as What Is Coming? but is not sure of the author.

The book lay about the house for years. One rainy day with nothing much else to do, Bob picked up the book to read, being one of the few books in the house. He was around 14 at the time. The book spoke about the Bible prophecies of future wars and disasters. It made a big impression on him. The book also talked about the Sabbath, and Bob was convinced that Saturday was the correct day for worship. Not talking about it to anyone, he thought a lot about what he had read. Even though Bob spent the next few years living the wild life, as a lot of young men do, the things he had read in the book never left him.

In Wee Waa during 1963, Pastor Bob Trood ran a mission and Bob attended along with about 100 or more interested people. The banner at the mission was entitled, “Is Russia Going to Rule the World?” and Bob was fascinated.

From the first night Bob realised the same church was running the mission that was associated with the book. He said, “Because of what I had learned in the book, I was baptised in the Namoi River by Bob Trood in 1963.”

Realising the literature ministry is God's special last day ministry, Bob opened his home to seven of our team members for an outreach program. We had a great week and Bob certainly made it special looking after us like we were all his own children! Thanks, Bob. - John Brereton, former Area Manager

Important reading: To find why the Bible calls the Papal Church Babylon, please read the origin of Babylon and the Sunday Sabbath, paganism and Christianity and then how the Sabbath was changed to Sunday, so it will then be very clear how and why Satan did this. What is the number 666 has almost lost information explaining how 666 originally came from Babylon and why it is now applied to a man in the Papal Church. The secret rapture and the seven year tribulation is a huge and fast spreading deception from the real truth on the second coming of Christ Jesus. [dark]